Update and de-clutter of the boys’ room!
We couldn’t take it anymore!
The shoes, the clothes, the toys! We had way to much of all of it! Living in an RV you have to constantly be pruning your collection of “things”. We spent almost the whole day donating, cleaning, repairing, and trashing a lot of “STUFF” in the kids’ room! Now it is much easier to find the toys, clothes, and shoes they are looking for! It feels and looks much better and is easier for the kids to clean themselves! It’s a win/win!
(you can click to enlarge)

We had also collected a HUGE collection of books from various trips to thrift stores and garage sales. While I was happy the boys had books available to read they just weren’t justifiable in the RV any longer. During transit they would get ripped, crumpled, lost, and scattered. We kept about 5 out of 100 or so books and donated the rest. Our new solution is we will be getting the boys each a Kindle as well as using the public library more often!
<3 Jennifer