Dehydrated Watermelon
Dehydrated Watermelon When I was a kid we always had an abundance of fruits and vegetables! My mom used to have this HUGE garden that she would tend to everyday and we would visit the farmers market and roadside fruit stands! One of our favorite ways to preserve foods was to dehydrate them! My siblings and I would always sneak into the dehydrated before the fruits were done and eat them! [wp_ad_camp_2] We dehydrated a ton of foods, but the one item that stood out most in my childhood memories was dehydrated seedless watermelon! The texture and taste of the dried watermelon is unlike any of the other fruits! We like to…
Paleo Zucchini Noodle and Sausage Spaghetti!
Zucchini Noodle and Sausage Spaghetti: What’s in it: Zucchini (Sliced using mandolin and knife) Chicken Sausage Garlic cloves sliced Coconut oil (refined) How it’s made: Cook sausage in about a tsp of coconut oil, remove from pan, slice. Toss zucchini and garlic slices in pan and cook together, pouring off excess water from zucchini as you cook it. Toss everything back in pan. Heat sufficiently. Enjoy. Linked on LittleHouseLiving [wp_ad_camp_3] Want to lose weight? Follow me on my weight loss journey! Check out my ABOUT ME page!
Spicy Bratwurst and Zucchini Salad
Spicy Bratwurst and Zucchini Salad Ingredients: Package of Bratwurst 2 small zucchini pinch red pepper flakes 1 can of corn drained 1/4 cup sun dried tomatoes 1 tbsp crushed garlic olive oil Instructions: Pan fry bratwurst in olive oil. We like to fry it until it is almost done, take it out and let it rest for about 5 minutes, slice it up and re-fry it so it gets a nice slightly crunchy outer layer! Pan fry zucchini and dried tomatoes in olive oil until tender. Add in sausage, canned corn, garlic, pepper, dried tomatoes. Serve over a bed of fresh spinach! ENJOY! Like it? Share comment subscribe!