Coconut Oil Coffee!
Coconut Oil coffee!

I recently started adding organic, unrefined coconut oil to my coffee in the morning. I use it in addition to my creamer, but some people use it alone with honey or other natural sweeteners. The trick is to Coconut Oil Coffee is to BLEND it using a blender or bullet type device.
The result is frothy, creamy, delicious coffee! Try it! Blending it instead of stirring it keeps it from separating. **Update… I stated adding about a tsp-tbsp of organic grass-fed butter to my coffee as well. It gives it a wonderfully creamy texture!
Not only is it delicious, but Dr. Oz recommends it because “Studies have show that intake of coconut oil can help our bodies mount resistance to both viruses and bacteria that can cause illness. Even more, it also can help to fight off yeast, fungus and candida. Coconut oil can also positively affect our hormones for thyroid and blood-sugar control. People who take coconut oil also tend to have improvements in how they handle blood sugar since coconut can help improve insulin use within the body. Coconut oil can boost thyroid function helping to increase metabolism, energy and endurance. It increases digestion and helps to absorb fat-soluble vitamins.”
His view on Coconut oil and Weight: “One 2009 study found that women who consumed 30 milliliters (about 2 tablespoons) of coconut oil daily for 12 weeks not only did not gain more weight, but actually had lowered amounts of abdominal fat, a type of fat that is difficult to lose, and contributes to more heart problems.”
Does it work? I am down 125 pounds as of today… coincidence? Maybe. Either way the coconut oil has a wonderful flavor in the coffee so I will keep doing it!

I don’t know what you mean by blend it with the coffee. Are you saying to get whole beans and grind them yourself? I guess I just need a little more instruction. Thanks!
<3 Jennifer
Brew coffee, pour brewed coffee in blender, add butter and oil, blend and enjoy! 🙂
How much butter do you put in? Can you also put ice?
How much coconut oil do you use in a cup of coffee? Just wondering!
<3 Jennifer
I use between 1/2 tbs and 1 tbs. Just depends on how much I want for the day. 🙂
I’m a raw honey and creamer girl but I tried this and was really surprised at how good it actually tasted. Thanks for the post.
<3 Jennifer
I am so glad you like it! Please come back to visit PoorPaleo.com any time! 🙂
Kim Smyth
I have also started oil pulling using organic coconut oil, I’d love to try this! I used it in hot cocoa yesterday and it was yummy! Do you practice oil pulling?
<3 Jennifer
Hi! I will have to find a Paleo cocoa for next winter! I HAVE tried oil pulling, only one week so far, but I feel like I can tell a difference in tooth sensitivity!
Hi, sounds great and dilicious. but do you need warm coffee or? can you please give me a better distruction ? 😉
I’m a dutch lady and I can hardly understand this..
Distruction must be instruction/
I am trying to find a convenient way to take my coconut oil. I eat only once a day, in the evening, so all my coffees throughout the day are black. In the evening, however, i can’t drink coffee because then it’s hard to sleep. My question is, would it be possible to adapt the drink to hot cocoa? I have unsweetened cocoa powder here, with pleasant bitter chocolate taste. If anybody tried this, i’d be grateful for your comments.
Can you use instant coffee? I do not brew coffee at all? i do have a nespresso machine though? Must i use that?
Looks good! I am definitely going to try this. You have a great blog for a newly starting paleo person on a budget, and look forward to following along!
Kim Gies
Looks delicious – thank you for the step-by-step. Can’t wait to try and follow along, your blog is great for a very new paleo person on a budget!
Does it matter what unrefined coconut oil to use??
Im a coffee drinker..cream n sugar..will the coconut replace the sweetness or will I still have to add my sugar?
Have you tried this with cashew milk or coconut milk? Does it make it creamier? Or you just use the oil by itself?
Alanna Fairey
Does it have to be blended? Or will stirring suffice as well?
It must be blended to get the frothy consistency ?
Cynthia Edmondson
Delicious way to get coconut oil into your daily diet. I don’t even need the bullet. Just a good stir works for me. Still use powdered creamer though, no sugar.
Jeff Harmon
I’m just getting started on the coconut oil, so I drink coffee, and stirring doesn’t do. I’m going to try blending it with honey.
I really hope this works
Talk to you later and let you know how the weight goes
I love coconut oil in my coffee. I do not blend it. I just stir. I have been doing for at least 2 yrs. w/ creamer. If I don’t do it i miss it.