Update on our life and travels!!
Update on our life and travels!

Whew! It has been a whirl wind experience this last 6 months! Last I blogged we were in Tennessee! Since Tennessee we went to Denver, Colorado for a few months, and then Tomah, Wisconsin!
We have been having so much fun that I keep forgetting to blog… and we have had HORRIBLE internet!
Everyone is doing well and still enjoying traveling!
We are currently in route to Gila Bend, Arizona from Weir, Texas where we spent time with family and friends for the holidays. While on the road to Arizona we plan to take our time and visit Carlsbad Caverns, Lincoln National Forest, Snow tubing in Cloudcroft, NM and White Sands National Monument. Most of these places offer the Junior ranger program and the boys are excited to earn their badges!
(A 5 foot metal chicken… think he can come on the road with us?)
**Read why here**
After Arizona we have no idea where this adventure will take up next! I am hoping Maine and Patrick is hoping Washington. I guess we’ll see!
Shalome Bryant
It was so nice to spend some time with you guys! Be safe on your travels and we’ll see ya’ll again soon!! Love ya dear friend!!
Bill and Kit
Hey folks, glad to see you’re still living the good life! We are in the final stages of preparation to escape cold and snowy Maine for parts southwest. Who knows…..maybe our paths will cross once again. Stay Safe, Bill and Kit
Bill and Kit! Good to hear from you guys! Any plans for southern Arizona? We are staying at Augie’s Quail Trail in Gila Bend if you guys wanna stop by on your travels! We will be there for 2-3 months!
Bill and Kit
Yep….we have family in Tucson and San Diego so will be rolling through the Gila Bend area at some point. I’m betting you are staying at the Luke AFB Famcamp as we did. How about those individual campsite water purification systems…..pretty snazzy, huh?