Target The Question {{A Review}}

This month I have had the pleasure of reviewing Lone Star Learning‘s Target The Question for 1st grade! Target The Question is daily math program that only takes about 10 to 15 minutes. The purpose of Target The Question is to help children learn how to focus on the question and pick out extra information that is within a word problem. Each day there is a new word problem. The program also has printable worksheets, answer keys, and reference pages available for the parent to print out.
The program itself is simple and easy to use! It consist of minimal buttons and navigates easily! There is one button for the Question of The Week and subsequent buttons for the daily word problem. There is also a note pad that can be used by the child to help work out the problem.
This program is great if you have a child like mine who is easily distracted by extra information in a math word problem! It really helped him to pick out the information he needed and to discard the information that was not important. This is something he has just started before the review period and now he is a pro! It really helped with his problem solving skills.
The great thing about this program is it takes very little time to incorporate into your home school… or to use after school to boost your child’s ability to Target the Question! The program only requires about 10 to 15 minutes a day! That is fantastic! It is long enough to work your child’s brain and short enough to keep their attention.
This program is compatible with Windows and Mac computers. The Lone Star Learning‘s Target The Question cost starts at 59.99 for a one year subscription depending on the program you chose!