Paleo Adult Lunch Box #5
Paleo Adult Lunch Box
This is an example of one of the many lunches I pack for my husband!
Summer Sausage (Nitrate free, organic)
Hard Boiled Egg
Fruit/Nut Mix (No Peanuts)
Sweet Peppers! These things are tasty!!
Turkey Jerky
He also takes and apple and banana everyday!
Yes, These are simple. That is the point. We wanted to do Paleo, but really don’t have any time to do baking or cooking. I already cook several nights a week (almost 7) and he really needed more “finger foods” since he is nowhere near a fridge or a microwave!
How do you keep your avocado from turning brown?
<3 Jennifer
I wrap them with Saran Wrap. Air will make them turn brown..