Happily Uprooted answers WHY

We have been on the road for over a year and a half traveling with my husband’s job. Sometimes we are at a job site for two weeks and sometimes we are there for a few months. We have criss-crossed the US four times and visited 23 states and Puerto Rico. No matter where we go or who we meet we get a few of the same question over and over… today Happily Uprooted answers the WHY!
Why do you travel?
Why did you chose this life over a “normal” life?
Why don’t you have a “normal” house?
Why do you home school?
Why are you doing this to your kids?
First things first… we travel out of necessity. We travel to keep our family together. We believe it is important to have a present mother and father in the home. The last thing my children needed was to have their father absent from their lives for 200+ days a year. We’ve done that, been there. My kids are so much better off knowing that daddy will be home every evening and I am thankful for that. We travel because my husband CHOSE this job. He LOVES his job and that happiness flows over into our daily lives.
What is normal? Is normal a big house on land, mom and dad at work 40 plus hours a week, once a year vacations (MAYBE), someone else schooling and raising your children, rooms overflowing with excess toys and electronics? If that is normal… we don’t want it!
We choose to collect memories and not things.
We choose to spend as much time with our children as possible before they move on to their own lives.
We choose to live in 400 square feet.
We CHOOSE this life!
Our lifestyle isn’t for everyone, but it is PERFECT for us!
You know that saying “love grows best in tiny houses”? That is how we feel! As a family we are closer than we have ever been… not just physically, but emotionally. Our home is small… and we like it that way! We have less junk cluttering our home. The boys have very few toys. They prefer to dig in the ditches, go on a treasure hunt in the desert, ride their bikes, swim in the lake, build forts with rocks, play a multigenerational game of ladder ball and EXPLORE!

Home-schooling, or as we like to call it: Road-schooling, was never something we planned to do. When we had kids we just assumed that they would be going to public school like everyone else we knew. It wasn’t until my husband was offered this amazing job opportunity that we even THOUGHT about home school! At first I was so nervous! All the nay-sayers got to me. Told me I couldn’t do it. “Your kids will be weird” they would say. “Your kids will be behind” they said. After almost 2 years of home schooling I have come to the conclusion that only WE know what is best for our children. My children are two grade levels ahead of most of their peers. They are well-traveled, cultured, super social and know their states better than most children… because they have actually BEEN there… not because they read about it in a book sitting in a classroom. If that makes them “weird” then so be it! If weird means they are not average; that they are ABOVE average… I am PROUD to have “weird” children!

I think the real question should be “WHY NOT??” Honestly… we are HAPPY… really, really HAPPY with our lives. I would hope that everyone could say the same about their lives.

I think it’s awesome! If given the opportunity, I would do it too. Don’t get me wrong…I would totally miss all my “stuff” though. 🙂
Margie Lundy
Awesome! Glad to read of your why. 🙂
Love this post and your life! This is my mine and my husband’s (mostly my husbands, but I’m up for it if it happens!) dream… to travel/live in a nice RV-home as a family… we just don’t know how to get “there”. Haven’t found a job that would make it possible and with our daughter’s medical condition, it probably wouldn’t work anyway… but maybe “someday”!
I love this! Sounds like such a fabulous adventure and your boys are racking in the benefits 🙂
Great job sharing your story!
Excellent post . . . and so true! You are giving your boys the experience of a lifetime, and memories they will treasure!
Love this post. I couldn’t have said it any better myself!!!
I love this post!! We are at the beginning of our journey and Im nervous but excited all wrapped up in one!! Maybe we can meet on the road one day?!?! 🙂 Happy Roadschooling
Wonderful post! Love it 🙂
Elizabeth Ashley
Speaks straight to my heart. Such an inspiration. It is so wonderful to see families come together and discover their own happy without concern of mainstream expectations and ideals. Wholehearted living, together. Thank you for sharing so much of yourself.
Suzanne Fluhr (Boomeresque)
My father loved to travel. Even though he was a Philadelphia public school art teacher, at every opportunity, we were on the road. He took us to live in Mexico for a year when I was 9 and I spent 11th grade in England where he was an exchange teacher. We drove across the U.S. from our home in Philadelphia to California and back and we camped for 7 weeks around Europe after his stint in England. I rebelled—grew up, went to law school and married a doctor. But, I inherited his wanderlust.
Loved this. Thanks for sharing your story.
Thanks Ely! Come back and visit HappilyUprooted any time to see what we are up to!